Monday, February 15, 2010

Spreading The Word

During this winter’s snow days a number of large round snowballs appeared alongside the roads near the place I live and that rare practical example of the “snowball effect” could be seen for real!

The theory is that getting publicity is very like building one of those giant snowballs. Someone has to start the thing off but once it starts rolling it starts to gather pace and snow and gets bigger and bigger.

Having a rare chance to try out the snowball effect for real it seems it doesn’t happen exactly like that. The snowball might turn over a few times but you have to keep giving it a shove to keep it growing and progressing – and do you know that is exactly the same as publicity.

Publicity for our clients works best when we start it off in a particular direction then keep giving it a little shove to make sure it works and keeps rolling along.

The most recent example for us has been the Cadbury House Alien campaign. Aimed at creating a bit of local publicity for the gym in the early weeks of the year the story gathered momentum and with some judicious shoves by us ended up literally rolling round the world with enquiries coming in from Australia and coverage in the USA.

Our PR works best when we keep pushing it and pushing it so that it gathers its own momentum – rather than firing one shot and hoping it hits home.

If all this talk of snow makes you feel a bit chilly then you can also think of it as spreading like a fire. We light the matches and we keep fanning the flames so that it continues to get bigger.

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